

Jun 08, 2024

Introducing Patentkali 100 percent Organic Fertilizers

Patentkali is the answer to all the problems that farmers are facing in this age and time. Produced by K+S in Germany, exclusively for its global business partners. Equipped with appropriate nutrients including, 30% K2O water-soluble Potassium oxide, 10% MgO water-soluble magnesium oxide, 42.5% SO3 water-soluble sulphur trioxide (= 17% S), it is an organic certified fertilizer by FiBL, making it 100% pure, and, hence, a right combination for plant growth.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has accorded the ex-post facto approval…

It is an excellent product for modern-age farmers, providing them with effortless results, huge yields, and desired results for crops. It protects the crops from diseases, and pests, and empowers their immune system to withstand any calamity. It is directly applied to crops in their reproductive stage, except for oilseeds and pulses, as mixing with DAP is required and seed drills.

The application and dose are different for all crops. A dose of 100 kg per acre has to be applied in a Banana field for the desired results. It enhances root growth, prepares the plant to tolerate heat stress, gives resistance against viral diseases and Cercospora leaf spot. Finally, a healthy glossy fruit bunch will stand tall with higher yield quality.

A dosage of 50 kg per acre is recommended for the soil for papaya plantations. The results will be swift as timely flower and continuous fruit bearing and lasting positive impact on fruit size and quality. Basal dose and Bahar initiation are given to pomegranate, at least 50 kg per acre. It helps in promoting an increased number of hermaphrodite flowers, optimal flower bud initiation, prevent flower dropping, and adequate fruit setting.

For grapes, soil application at 100 kg/acre of Patentkali twice, first in April for back pruning and the second in October for fruit pruning. This helps in better nutrient translocation from leaf to the bunch during fruit bud initiation, making the bunches attractive and perfectly uniform fruit size.

Date palm also requires 100 kg per in a field of one acre. While 50 percent of the fertilizer is advised to be used after fruit harvest, 50 percent should be done during bunch emergence. This helps in preventing fruit drop and enhances fruit development. Achieving strong bunch growth is a milestone. Vegetables like tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, chilly, capsicum, cucumber, and bitter gourd, need soil application at transplanting. For this, only 50 kg is sufficient in a field of one acre. The results are outstanding, as uniform and strong vegetative growth will be seen. Moreover, it will control flower and fruit drops, control pests and diseases, give uniform size and help the plant withstand heat and stress. All in all, the shelf life of the plant will be increased.

For potatoes, Patentkali is the ultimate form of nutrition. Trusted globally for enhanced results. 50 kg per acre of fertilizer is ideally recommended for India. Soil application should be done 30 days after planting. Thereafter healthy leaves can be seen at an initial stage, as well as uniform tuber size. The incidence of internal black spots will be reduced as well as late blight and scab diseases.

For Cotton, fields require only 25 kg bag of fertilizer in a field of one acre is recommended. It should be applied 30 days after plantation. It reduces wilt incidence and leaf reddening, prevents flower drop, abundant boil setting, and increases boil size. Moreover, it acts as a shield against pests and disease leading to higher yield and improved fiber. Sugarcane plant requires 100 kg of fertilizer in 1 acre of land, with 50 percent application at planting and 50 percent after 120 days of the planting. It ensures reduced incidence of pests and disease control, while sugar recovery is higher. Pulses and Oilseeds, including groundnut, soybean, mustard, and sunflower, require a mixed seed drill method. Only 50 kg of the fertilizer will be used in a space of 1 acre, improving higher yield, protein, and oil content. In a paddy or wheat and maize field, 50 kg of fertilizer is enough for one acre of land. It will be applied twice, first during planting and second during cob initiation. This ensures a reduced incidence of BPH in rice, maximizes yield, and improves grain size and uniform grain filling.

Related Links First published on: 28 Jul 2023, 14:31 IST