

Jun 08, 2024

Bio Foods introduces liquid fertilizer for tea industry

Bio Foods (Pvt.) Ltd, a pioneer in export agriculture in Sri Lanka, will be introducing liquid fertilizer for the tea industry by the end of the year.

Bio Foods CEO, Gayan Wellala in an interview on the sidelines of their 30th anniversary said that they are one of the pioneers of manufacturing organic fertilizers. “this project we commenced before the former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa introduced the organic concept.”

“Today we produce liquid and solid organic fertilizers and provide 90% of the government demand.”

We are also exporting to many countries and are the first local company to draw foreign exchange from exporting organic fertilizer to the world market.”

He said that they have employed many graduates from universities to undertake their Research and development. Through them we have designed and developed a special liquid fertilizer which would be a game changer for the tea industry. It will also help to bring down the fertilizer import cost.”

He said that they have already been testing this in their tea estates and have brought positive results. We have observed that the liquid fertilizer which we have introduced is not harmful to the human body and will also increase yields by at least 15%.”

He said that Bio Foods with a German collaboration of 40% commemorating its 30th anniversary is a leader of organic and fair trade agriculture on a global scale. “We have emerged as an exemplary model for sustainable and ethical farming practices with an unwavering commitment to cultivating positive change.”

In addition to exporting valued added tea we also export many spices and other 100% locally manufactured products and year’s brings in a FOREX of around USD 40 million.” Bio Foods demonstrates an exceptional ability to retain 99% of the foreign currency it introduces to Sri Lanka’s economy. In addition, we also have a larger farmer in our grower system and we invest several billions to buy back their products. ”

The small farmer groups founded and trained in organic and sustainable practices (SOFA and MOPA) in 1993 by Bio Foods founder and Chairman, Dr. Sarath Ranaweera were awarded the World’s Best Farmer Organization Award by FLO in the years 2015 and 2014 respectively. He was also honoured with the inaugural “World’s Fairest Fairtrade Award” by the World Fairtrade Labeling Organization in 2014.

“We have generated significant outcomes and shared these results, contributing essential foreign revenue to Sri Lanka for an extended period.”

Group CEO of Bio Foods, Madusha Ranaweera said, “Group CEO of Bio Foods, Madusha Ranaweera commented, “For the last decade, the company is employing Biodynamic agriculture techniques that harness the natural cycles and energies of the environment.”

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Gayan WellalaDr. Sarath RanaweeraMadusha Ranaweera